
Why would you do that!?!!??

Those words come out of my mouth WAY too often. So here is what happened the day before Summer's surgery...

I was getting ready to go to a friends' house to help cook food for YW camp, I told the kids to go outside and get in the car. One minute later I come outside to find newspaper ALL over the lawn and the street, like everywhere!!!!! I see Sydney and Zack ripping up the Sunday paper (which is huge, and still on my driveway) jumping and giggling and screeching. Well, it was MY turn to screech! This is one of those times that my blood pressure rises instantly, all I can think about is all the mess, the Lehi wind carrying the papers, and how mad I am! I wish I had the frame of mind to take a picture! So I told them to "pick up all the papers, every single one! And you just lost your allowance!" Then I called Tom to cry about it! I may expect this type of behavior from toddlers BUT Sydney is almost 9!!!! And Zack is almost 7!!!!! Come on!!!! So we finally get all the papers up and drive over to the house where I"ll be cooking...I find a chocolate bar in the car and so I share it with Savannah and Summer, none for the naughty kids (they cried!) I know, I'm mean...but it felt good! :)


V and Co. said...

so i'm totally lame and havn't a clue as to what's up with sum sum...if i actually read people's blogs on a regular basis maybe i would know what's going on...sorry! i hope all goes well! she's in our prayers even though i havn't a clue as to whats wrong with her! sorry i suck as a friend!

Anne Marie said...

Kids! One minute warming our hearts, the next minute driving us crazy! Thank heavens for husbands to call and vent to.

Cannon Clan said...

i always laugh at the things that come out of my mouth like "get off her head" "what are you thinking!?"

Kevin said...

I think I have your ShopKo ad. The 3rd season of Two and a half Men is on sale for $35.99. Wal-mart's regular price is only $33.86 though so I'll just recycle this ad.

girlsmama said...

i think the deserved to watch the rest of you savor the chocolate.

Heather said...

I have a friend who is famous for saying, "What part of your brain thought doing that was okay?"

Mattamorphasis said...

Way to stick to your guns, Sal. I'm all about dropping that hammer. I fully expect my kids to be describing their childhood to a shrink when they are 40.

Terri said...

Seriously, the way we have messed up our kids the'll need kids when their 20 not 40...come to think of it one of them (not naming names) could probably use one now! OCD much!

meg.. said...

We have plenty of days like that here. I know just how you feel. {{Hugs}}

Laura said...

I am sad you don't have pictures. I am SOOO glad I am not alone!!! I feel your pain, Laura

Mindy said...

I'm just proud there are no obscenities inserted in that sentence. :) That's not an easy thing being the parent of 4. :)

Athack77 said...

Hey no fair only yelling at your kids occasionally, I swear sometime it's like every other day several times a day. It's even more frustrating since they're older. Some days I just wish I stayed in bed!


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