SO, on Christmas Eve the kids snuck into my closet and found some of their things, (of course they weren't wrapped yet because we didn't get to go shopping until after the 20th). And of course I cried but figured out a punishment that fit the crime...we told the kids they couldn't open their presents until after we went to Nana's house which is better than my first reaction..."We're taking everything to DI" I would've never done that by the way! Tom and I felt bad that our Christmas had been ruined, the surprise aspect and seeing our kids reactions at opening their gifts...but Christmas was awesome anyway because it's not about the gifts! So after I stayed up until 4am wrapping, we woke up at 8 and Tom said, "Should we let the kids open their gifts now?" Yes, we caved! It was cute to hear how "surprised" they were...even if it was a little acted! :) Thus we have Christmas Morning... The traditional Miller breakfast which should be called brunch because it doesn't start until 10:30 ish. We always do British "crackers" and have to wear the crowns! Christmas dinner at the Millers...
12/22 We took a carriage ride around Temple Square which was so fun! The kids wished every person a "Merry Christmas!" and sang Christmas songs. It was very cute! BUT we did all freeze!!! The visitor center at Temple Square was great! We saw the Christus statue and watched a video of the Nativity. Then walked around and saw all the lights. Kids make everything amazing!