First my cute "pup-pup" Buddy, who is now being dog-sat at my parents house until I can convince Tom to let him come home! :)
Grandma always brings fun crafts
Grandma teaching the girls how to knit, they LOVE it!
Zack and his shark lego
They took us out to IHOP for Summer's pre-birthday...I love how Savannah looks, she really isn't bored, she has a headache and got car sick on the way there, poor girl.
Back at home opening presents for Summer
The final creation of crafts
fun, fun, and more fun
Summer plays with her new tinker toys
I took the kids out of school on Friday (and me) and we went to the zoo...
look at the cute monkeys...aka Syd and Zack :)
Summer and cousin Sam
any suggestions on how to stop a little boy from chewing on all his clothes????
Tom and his mom
the monkey wanted the nice purple wrapper
Savannah loves giraffes
Zack loves eagles
Syd loves elephants
After the zoo we went to the cemetery. Here is Tom's grandparents
and great grandparents
and great-great grandparents
Now for some videos of all the action...
Beware of the baby talk during this next video!!!
Oh how fun you got grandma and bapa time, I'm jelous!
Interesting note... Isaac (Suzanne's first) totally chews on all of his clothing. I don't think she's been able to break him of this habit yet.
Loved catching up. I have not been on the blog too much. Darn that facebook! And now my girlfriend is wanting me to do Twitter too. How connected can we be? Congrats on Tom's job offer! Let us know the details. You are an awesome mom always doing awesome things with your kids!!
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