My parents and sister Emma came to watch
It was fun to watch my first child in her first school play. I feel like she is growing up too fast. I tell her she can't get older anymore and she just laughs at me.
I had a "milestone moment" the other day about Savannah and one of her ex-best friends. Savannah's feelings were hurt bad and I had a meltdown and sobbed for almost 2 hours...pathetic! She didn't cry...just me! Yeah, and this happened at school, while I was teaching. It was very sad. I had not felt that degree of heartbreak for my kids, it felt like my heart was being ripped to shreds. I can laugh about it now, well maybe not "laugh"...I'm still sad for my girl and sad that 5th grade girls can be so cruel, but I am calmer now. I wanted to tell Savannah that it gets better when she's older, but I think that's not true, there's always some mean/gossipy girls. SO you just have to be nice and not worry about it.
Sydney said, "Savannah, do you want me to go punch her?!" She's so funny and I DO NOT encourage that type of behavior. They are so different. Good sisters.
Savannah is looking so old. She is so cute. How cute to be in a play. What a doll, she really looks like one!!!
She looks so grown up! She is a beauty.
Savannah is a Minnie you!!! She is sooo cute!!! I have shed many a tears for my oldest girl because of the MEAN girls. ah ah it can make you so mad!!! Cute cute cute family you should be very PROUD!!
Sally I know what you mean. It is so heartbreaking when someone or something hurts your child so deeply. I always wanted to just go grab the little brats and shake them but of course you don't. You cry, bite you tongue, give a few extra hugs and hope for the best. It is a cruel world out there to be sure.
She is a darling girl and I am totally in love with her name!
Savannah looks beautiful! I love those curls. Great to see a picture of your parents too.
Don't even get me going on the whole gossiping/social games of girls and women. That's been a real issue in our ward lately. But, it's so much more heartbreaking when that stuff happens to your own kids. Girls can be so mean! Savannah's lucky to have a mom who cares about her so much.
She totally looks the part, especially with her British heritage supporting her for the play. Your parents look great. So does Emma. I haven't seen them for years.
Could you give me a call? 420-4700
Savannah looks so great!
I'm sorry she's had a hard time with some friends. Girls can be so mean. At least it seems you've raised a good, confident girl and she'll make it though okay.
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