This was Tom's object lesson for Sunday School last Sunday and our FHE lesson. I'll explain a little so you can do it if you want and so I can remember. After some discussion about the 10 commandments you get a bowl of water, a tablespoon or so of pepper, and dish soap. The pepper represents all of us (people), the water is the world, the soap is the "pure evil". :) So you put the pepper into the water and it floats all over, then drop one drop of soap in and see what happens to the pepper (it's how we are to act around "pure evil"!) It is fun to watch! Tom decorated the soap bottle...
The back says, "Ingredients: dishonesty, rated-R movies, pornography, fighting, skipping church, ignoring the Prophet, not reading scriptures, stealing, using drugs, swearing, disobeying parents, and chocolate." The chocolate part (NOT literal!!) is a reference to a previous lesson which is another one I may share on the blog, it's one of my favorites, "The Ryadites"
Tom is so talented. I love the pure evil, so funny! Wait, I don't think evil is funny, but the bottle is funny. Smiles -T
That is awesome. Those pictures are incredible. I hope you can secretly save some to place in a scrapbook, as they are so amazing! I also love the FHE lesson. Some of us may have to copy your idea. How great! Our kids would really love that. Thanks for sharing. BTW, the funeral potatoes recipe, i just posted on my blog for you sweetie, I know you need some for Easter. I DO!
Once in a while I put a note in my kids' lunch. When ever Chris makes theie lunches for school, he always puts a note in. My kids love it. I should do it more often but our mornings can be really hectic. I like Tom's creativity.
its so fun to see what you and tom are doing you are great parents
That is so cute and so cool. We are too lazy to make lunches, we just get the school ones... which cost me $50 a week!! I guess they think I am rich!!! :) I miss you guys!! Ryan went hiking by your house, but you were gone when he called.
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