I love having family close for many reasons but I love when nana and pops watch our kids so we can go to the Temple. Last night we went to the Jordan River Temple. It has been a while since we have gone together, usually we just go separate so we don't have to pay a babysitter. It was such a powerful and emotional experience. The Temple IS a small piece of Heaven. The sweet spirit in that special place is overwhelming at times, last night was one of those times. I can only imagine that people around me must have thought someone had died. My tears were happy, peaceful, tender tears. I thought about the scripture from D&C 38:7 (this is the Savior speaking) "I say unto you that mine eyes are upon you. I am in your midst and you cannot see me." I felt that is true, He knows us and He is near us, and that powerful feeling just overtook me, especially while I was in His house, the Temple. Another strength came from my sweet Tom. We have been reading in the Book Of Mormon about the people of Alma and their trials and faith and Tom pointed out in Mosiah 23:28 "Therefore they hushed their fears, and began to cry unto the Lord..." which very much applies to our situation right now, we have fears but we can hush them and not focus on them. And of course I cried when I prayed about what we should do about expanding our family, I could feel a baby in my arms. I think Tom was convinced finally for sure, I prayed that he would know!! But all things are done in the Lord's time and in His way so we will wait and see what happens.
Today and tomorrow are General Conference sessions where the Prophet and Apostles and other church leaders speak to the entire church, worldwide. It is a special weekend, a spiritual feast. You can download it all online from the church website. I love having DVR because Tom and I were constantly pausing it and rewinding so we could write down the things that inspired us, which is everything, I guess we need to work on a lot! :) We also paused it to talk about things with the kids.
In between conference sessions we went and got some fish, guppies to be exact. Tom made a deal with Savannah that if she stopped "flapping" her arms every time she was excited, she could get some fish. Well, it took a few weeks but she has broken the habit! Yay! (She is such a little clone of Tom, he was the same way as a kid full of energy and spazy).

I love that scripture about the Lord being among us and we do not see Him. And I love that you have modest mouse on your playlist. They are one of my faves!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, it was a great conference! That would be so fun to have a Wyview get together! I am up for it! Let me know how I could help!
Thank you for sharing that with us. :)
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